Great Horticulture Advice On Great Organic Horticulture
An organic garden is an interest you have. What perfect timing! Read on for some helpful tips on how to grow a beautiful organic garden.To prevent your plants' systems from becoming shocked, you need to gradually transition them from higher to lower temperatures. Put the plants outside in the sun for one to two hours in the beginning. As the week progresses, gradually increase their exposure to the outdoors. If you do this correctly, the plants should be able to make their final move at the end of a week's time.
Clay soil is hard and will also stick to a shovel, making it difficult to work with. Try applying a coat of wax onto your spade prior to working with clay soil, and then buff the spade head with a cloth. The clay will no longer stick to the shovel, and this also helps to prevent other problems like rusting.
Cover fences and walls with climbing plants. Climbing plants are known to be very versatile, and can help hide any ugly wall or fence, and this often only takes one growing season. They may grow up through some existing shrubs and trees, and can even be worked to grow around an arbor. Some varieties of these plants will have to be tethered to some sort of support, but other varieties will be able to attach to the medium they are climbing. Reliable varieties include wisteria, honeysuckle, climbing roses, clematis, and jasmine.
You may be able to re-pot some plants to bring indoors for the winter. Your best bet would be try to save the best or most hearty plants. Dig carefully around the roots and transfer the plants to a pot.
Take the time to remove weeds. Weeds can destroy a once promising garden and take away all its potential. White vinegar can be used as a natural herbicide. White vinegar is a weed killer! So, use a spray solution of white vinegar if you are tired of pulling those weeds by hand.
When mowing the lawn, don't mow the grass all the way down to the root. If you leave some of the grass when you mow, the roots grow further into the ground, which makes the grass less prone to drying and other hazards. Cutting your grass too short will cause it to dry out and turn brown in patches throughout your yard.
Protect your delicate deciduous shrubs from harsh elements. Shrubs in pots especially need special care in the colder weather. Try to tie the tops all together and cover them with a sheet, large piece of cloth, or blanket. This is more effective than putting plastic on the plant, it will let the air flow.
When you boil vegetables, use the leftover water on your potted plants. In order to help acidify the soil for plants like gardenias and rhododendrons, you can use coffee and tea grounds. Chamomile tea is a natural way to rid your plants of a persistent fungus.
Don't use broad-spectrum pesticides in the garden. In addition, these pesticides destroy the good insects which eat pests. Since these pesticides often affect the good bugs more than the bad, using them can actually increase your pest problem. This can lead to needing even more pesticides to eliminate the problem insects.
Use plants to get some autumn color. However, that does not have to be the case! In the fall, the foliage displays every color of the rainbow. Maple, beech trees or dogwood take on some amazing colors. Cotoneaster, barberry and hydrangea can provide vibrant color if you are considering shrubs for your garden.
With all of these ideas, you should be ready to excel at organic horticulture. If you thought you knew a lot then, now you should be a professional. Remember to apply these tips as you plan and take care of your garden.
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